Couples Therapy — Elizabeth James Counselling

Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples

When intimate relationships become the primary struggle, working through issues together is highly recommended. I am trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) offers a comprehensive theory of adult love and attachment, as well as a proven therapy process for healing distressed relationships.  It recognizes that conflict and disconnection in intimate relationships results from a perceived threat to one's basic needs for emotional safety, security, and closeness. EFT helps couples by working to strengthen attachment bonds between partners. Having strong attachment bonds means couples feel safe and secure together, know they are important to one another, are more flexible in problem solving and communicating, and feel a deep emotional connection with one another.  

EFT helps couples step out of their negative patterns of interaction, slow things down and start to feel, think and express to their partner what is really going on for them under the surface. This enables couples to connect in a more profound and loving way.

I am committed to helping couples deepen their emotional connection and resolve conflict. I have received training in EFT Couples Therapy from Dr. Sue Johnson, the founder of the therapy, and have received clinical supervision from certified EFT supervisors.


Dr. Sue Johnson & Elizabeth James at the 2017 EFT Externship

Dr. Sue Johnson & Elizabeth James at the 2017 EFT Externship